Vitamin E could prevent liver disease
We’ve heard so many great things about vitamin E, from anti-aging benefits, preventing cell damage, and other therapeutic values. Today, there’s another reason to celebrate vitamin E. New studies say vitamin E can help reduce the risk of liver cancer!
Vitamin E is found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Fruits that are rich in vitamin E include mangoes, raspberries and papayas. Unprocessed natural oils also contain vitamin E. And there is more good news… vitamin E is found many nuts such as almonds as well.
There are many types of vitamin E, each with differing impacts as shown in various other studies. This latest research however focused on finding the general link between vitamin E and liver cancer.According to the National Cancer Institute, taking more vitamin E, either as a supplement or in its natural form from food, can help protect a person from developing liver diseases. These findings result from a study which was done in China, that included over 132,000 respondents.
Researchers evaluated the respondent’s diet, focusing on their intake of vitamin E. Ten years after this initial contact, the researchers followed up with the respondents and found that 267 had developed liver cancer. Looking back at the pattern of vitamin E intake of these respondents, researchers found that those who consumed more vitamin E had the lower risk of developing liver cancer. The same observation was true among those with family history of liver-related diseases.
Researchers have also found that the vitamin E found in canola oil, corn and soybean called gamma-tocopherol and delta-tocopherol could hinder the growth of cancer cells, as based on laboratory studies on mice.
Another important revelation of the study is the effect of taking vitamin C supplements. Those who indicated the highest vitamin C intake were found to be at a greater risk of developing liver problems.
Foods with vitamin E as well as supplements are affordable and accessible to most of us. For those of us who do not have access to healthful foods or nutritional support, please visit our Resource page to get connected to local services in your community. Eating well and supporting your body’s health holistically is ALWAYS a good thing. The research on vitamin E is more proof on that.