Interactive Ways to Understand Liver Health

How much do you really know about liver health and hepatitis? And is what you know accurate? Unlike it was for generations in the past, today there’s an abundance of verifiable online information available on liver disease — its causes, symptoms, and prevention. However, sifting through the barrage of info can be so overwhelming that many who could benefit from it abandon their quest for more knowledge on the subject. With easier navigation in mind, numerous credible sources have developed interactive tests to make the learning process more personal and engaging.

For Liver Cancer Awareness Month, do yourself a great favor and check out some of these brief but informative interactive tests to learn more about your own liver health, hepatitis risks, and best practices moving forward.  You could save a life — namely, your own. As always, we encourage you to:  Screen! Vaccinate! Don’t Hesitate! … And yes, Educate!


Are you at risk for hepatitis? This 5-minute test gives you a personalized report:


How well do you know hepatitis C? These tests explain the basics:

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