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In an eight year span eight the mortality rate associated with hepatitis C in the US has doubled. From 1999 to 2007, an alarming number of people have succumbed to the dangers of hepatitis C-related deaths. What does this statistic mean to you? According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), hepatitis C is […]
Tomorrow evening June 7, 2012 on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the highly distinguished New York health center– The Ryan Community Health Center will host its 45th annual Spring Gala. The fête is sure to be FANTASTIC and the ADRLF is being honored! In 2009 ADRLF established an important and thoughtful partnership with the […]
There are those who think that public television offers nothing but depressing news or slapstick comedy, ADRLF and CTV promises something more. ADRLF has partnered with Callen-Lorde Television (CTV) on an exciting new venture to raise Hepatitis awareness and it promises to educate and captivate. Last month, ADRLF entrusted CTV with a $2,500 gift […]
When it comes to healthy living, there’s truth in the saying: “Know the past to understand the present and prepare for the future.” New studies show that a family history of cancer may likely increases a person’s chance of developing hepatitis and other liver diseases including cancer. There are several risk factors that lead to […]