Getting ready for the holidays? Your holiday menu may mean more to your liver health than you think. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can go far in protecting our overall health and reducing the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, a new study finds. These findings by researchers from […]

Healthy Diet Reduces Risk of Liver Disease
December 19th, 2019Liver-Healthy Fall Favorites: Tasty Root Vegetable & Squash Recipes!
November 13th, 2019
Autumn might mean shorter days and chillier temperatures, but this season also brings out colorful leaves, crisp air, and cozy days to enjoy fresh fall — and liver-healthy — produce, including: squash, gourds and a variety of root crops. Squash — with its rich variety — is high in vitamin A, which supports the immune […]
Oral Health and Liver Cancer: What’s the vital connection?
October 2nd, 2019A new study adds to the many reasons why oral hygiene should be priority for everyone. Researchers from Queen’s University Belfast have recently found a link between poor oral health and an increased risk of liver cancer. So, whenever you think about skipping the floss (“C’mon, It’s just for one night!”), think again. The study […]
5 Habits to Prevent Liver Disease
September 25th, 2019
Let’s face it: Most people don’t think about the functions and importance of the liver on a daily basis. But it’s always good to be reminded of what the liver does for our body to encourage us to make dietary and lifestyle choices that are also good for our relentlessly hard-at-work cleansing organ. Going back […]
Aspirin Therapy May Help Reduce Risk of Liver Disease
August 22nd, 2019
Aspirin to prevent liver disease? This may not be an association that is typically made, but a new study has found evidence that daily aspirin therapy may help reduce the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B. The notion of aspirin therapy is not new in cancer research. Previous studies have […]