Choline-rich foods are good to keep both the brain and the liver healthy
Choline may not be on top of most people’s dietary supplement list, but new research suggests that getting more of choline in one’s diet could help reduce the risk of some liver diseases.
Choline, is a nutrient naturally produced by the body, however for a body to maintain healthy levels of choline we need to intake choline ( either through food or supplements). Human milk is rich in choline. Choline nourishes our brains, helping to prevent memory loss and the decline of cognitive abilities that often occur as we age.
Choline is grouped with-in the vitamin B-complex vitamins and functions well with foliate and amino acids. Together, these can help to prevent the liver from accumulating fats that may block metabolism, and cause high cholesterol and liver diseases.
These protective and preventive properties captured the interest of researchers on the possible benefits of choline to the liver. They found out that not only does choline strengthen the cell membrane of liver tissues, but it also has the abilities that can reverse damage on liver cells.
Choline, however, has been an underrated nutrient. Many people do not get the adequate dose of choline, especially among vegans and vegetarians. Pregnant women are advised to add choline to their diet to help ensure proper brain development of their child. Choline deficiency leads to memory problems. In fact, people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and bipolar disorders are given choline.
People with liver diseases, especially cirrhosis, are given choline treatment of specific dosage. However, adding choline to one’s diet should be done with a physician’s approval. Choline comes in pill form and powder that can be used in cooking. Even these supplements, however, should be taken in moderation because of its known side effects such diarrhea, bloating, and nausea, and again under doctor’s supervision.
For those who are cautious of taking pills, I am happy to tell you you can beef up your choline intake by eating green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, liver, and codfish. Think about re-working your family’s menu to include choline-rich dishes; it will only be good for your brain AND your liver.
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